5 Unexpected Ways to Show Your Spouse Appreciation This Thanksgiving
We don’t typically think of prayer as a way to show a person that we appreciate them, but here’s the thing: prayer changes everything, especially our relationships. Prayer is our connection to the God who is love, the God who shows us what it means to love our spouse unconditionally. When you stay in tune with Him and bring to mind all the reasons you’re grateful God blessed you with your spouse, that heart of thanks will naturally guide how you interact with your partner.
Note: it’s important to be specific here. Don’t simply breeze through a “Thanks for my spouse, God,” prayer. Thank God that he brought this person to you when you doubted you would ever find someone, when you were betrayed by another, or when you felt as though no one saw you for who you truly were. Thank God for their patience, hard work, loving nature, respect for your family, love of your dreams, etc. When you speak what you’re grateful for, specifically to God, it transforms your heart.
Though your spouse might not hear this thank you prayer, they will feel it in the way you allow your conversations with God to soften your heart toward them.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Ben White